Luber Express Oil Change And Tires is known as a providing best Tire at an affordable price. We are one of the best Tire sales Vaughan. Choose your Tire from below

Luber providing following Tire services

We providing following service on tire which you can used it anytime

1. Flat Tire Repair

Flat Tire is always problem when its need immediately repair and replacement. Mobile1 Lube Express will inspect your Tire and let you ensure that we safely repair Tire according Canadian industry standard.

When we repair Tyre:

  • Punctures to the Tyre tread ¼ inches or smaller.
  • Leaks in and around the air valve stem.

According Canadian industry standard we cannot repair if:

  • Punctures larger than ¼ inch.
  • Punctures that is too close to previous repairs on the same Tire.
  • Sidewall damage.

2. Tire Rotation

  • Tire rotation means moving each Tire to different wheel on the vehicle to ensure that all parts of each Tyre wear down evenly over time. A Tire rotation ensures the safety of the vehicle on road and maximizes your Tire life.
    If you rotate your Tire regularly it is safe and easy to handle vehicle. If you think that own doing Tire rotation is difficult don’t worry.Mobile1 Lube Express technicians known the best Tire rotation pattern for your vehicle.

3. Tire Pressure Check

  • If you maintain Tire Pressure Check it gives you much more than the feeling of comfortable, responsive car. It is a best way to maximize the safety and performance of your vehicle while maximizing its cost.
    Tire Pressure is usually found in the driver’s door jamb. A proper Tire pressure check checklist added in your service manual its needs to pay attention to the details: rear, front, and spare Tires they usually have a different pressure target.
  • When the outside temperature is stable you should check Tire pressure once in a month. If whether change the temperature rapidly checks the Tire pressure when whether change. Tire Pressure Check guidelines mention in auto manual book.
    Mobile1 Lube Express check the Tire pressure according auto manual guidelines.

4. Tire Balancing

Tire balancing or wheel balancing is to detect Tire is rolling correctly due to irregular weight distribution.

Tire balancing process includes five steps:

1. Remove the Tire from vehicle.
2. Put Tire on balancing machine.
3. Spin the Tire to identify where weight imbalances exists and determine to attach counterweights.
4. Apply clip on counter weight to wheel.
5. Reinstall wheels to the vehicle.

Mobile1 Lube Express trained technicians gives all the three services (such as Tire balancing, Tire rotation, and wheel alignment) and extend your Tire life and ensure road safety.

5. TPMS Service

  • Tire Pressure Monitoring System lights up, one or more of your Tires might be under-inflated.
  • Our technicians check the Tire pressure and tell that why the dashboard light is on and ensure that TPMS is working or not.

6. Search Tires by Make and Model

  • Mobile1 Lube Express has a variety of Tire according to make and model wise. Which is available in fairly price.
  • We suggest best Tire for your vehicle according the auto industry guideline.